4/22/21: Nonprofit Health Care Medical Centers or Hospitals: Proposed BOLI Rule Open for Public Comment

April 22, 2021

By Paula Barran

The Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries has posted a proposed rule which, if finalized, will allow nonprofit medical centers or hospitals to modify the very strict rules for the scheduling of meal and rest periods which are currently in place.

If adopted, the proposed rule would add two sections which would state:

(8) The provisions of this rule regarding meal periods and rest periods may be modified by the policies of a nonprofit health care medical center or hospital which provides patient care.

(9) The provisions of this rule are subject to the requirements of any licensing, standard of care, or patient care obligations or responsibilities of a nonprofit health care medical center or hospital which provides patient care.

These proposed changes are now open for public comment; comments must be submitted no later than close of business May 21, 2021, to erin.seiler@state.or.us.

If you have any questions about this rule, which we believe to be a valuable development for providers, please contact Paula Barran at 503-276-2143 or pbarran@barran.com.

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