2/12/24: Barran Liebman Sponsors 20th Annual MBA WinterSmash

February 12, 2024

On Saturday, February 10th, Barran Liebman attended and served as a sponsor for the 20th annual Multnomah Bar Association (MBA) WinterSmash. In support of Multnomah CourtCare, CourtSupport, and CourtConnect, this event raised $12,000 for services such as free drop-in childcare for families tending to business at court, bilingual navigator services and courthouse accommodations, and civic education geared towards making the court system more approachable.

In addition to sponsoring the event, members of the Barran Liebman team enjoyed the opportunity to put in some lane time in support of the following programs.

Multnomah CourtCare: In addition to providing children a safe space away from potential conflicts, the CourtCare program’s convenient location at the downtown Central Courthouse helps to reduce the number of rescheduled court appointments. With the ability to serve 80 to 100 children each month, the organization has served over 18,000 children and their families since opening in December of 2001. 

CourtSupport: By providing the Central Courthouse with a bilingual navigator who staffs the information desk and connects individuals with needed services and accommodations at the courthouse, this program aids in making the court experience more welcoming and less intimidating.

CourtConnect: This program serves as a bridge between the bench, bar, and community by pairing lawyers and judges to visit community groups, share information about the court system, and facilitate dialogue about the rule of law, and build relationships within the community.

Barran Liebman team members and their families look forward to participating in WinterSmash each year.  According to Barran Liebman’s Co-Managing Partner, Andrew Schpak, who participated in the event this past Saturday, “Barran Liebman has enjoyed sponsoring this sold-out event for many years.  It’s a fun opportunity to engage in some friendly competition for a good cause.”


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