2/11/25: Compensation Law in Focus: A Roadmap to Set Yourself Up For Success in a Pay Equity Challenge

Date: February 11, 2025

Time: 10:00AM - 11:00AM


Recent developments have dramatically broadened the protections of compensation nondiscrimination laws and outlined considerations that employers may lawfully apply, and how they may differentiate jobs as well as the people who work in them. Oregon has one of the strictest pay equity laws in the country and courts are only just beginning to wrestle with the limits of what the law requires. Pay equity claims can be high stakes litigation which often requires very specific evidence in order to adequately defend; employers need to learn how to manage their compensation plans to maximize their ability to avoid or defend claims.

In this webinar, Barran Liebman partner Wilson Jarrell will discuss how to understand the nature of pay equity laws and set yourself up for success in the face of a pay equity challenge.

Key topics will include the following:

  • Understanding pay equity laws.

  • Outlining how employers are allowed to pay employees differently when performing work of comparable character.

  • Creative approaches to provide supplemental compensation and benefits to high performers without creating risk of pay equity violations.

  • How pay equity laws expose you to legal claims and theories.

  • Evaluating the risk of an asserted claim or a lawsuit.


Online webinar.


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